
The past week and a half has been filled with heartbreak, uncertainty, and the purest form of love. Eleven days ago, to be exact - my mother fell from the attic when the ladder she was on collapsed from below. My sweet mama bear completely shattered her heel bone and has been in insurmountable pain since. Due to an allergy she posses the pain killer options have been rather limiting. Tomorrow she will be undergoing surgery and thereafter we are looking at a long road to recovery.

What has been the most difficult aspect of this experience has been holding my mother's hand while the pain completely takes over. In those moments, I would do anything to take that pain away from her. Being at the mercy of any kind of pain is probably one of the most disheartening aspects of human life. Though such is life with its sweet ebb and flow, that nothing is ever permanent. Eventually the pain does subside and her usual cheery self finds a way back to us.

Yesterday while mama bear was undergoing her last pre-surgery exams, her podiatrist held her hands and began to pray for her. In his prayer he asked that God guide his hands during surgery and to protect his daughter (my mother) from any harm. A man of science and vast medical knowledge opened his heart and mind to allow for God's undeniable grace, also known in my book as "the silver lining."

No matter what the circumstances are never abandon the love that God has placed in you.
Please keep my family in your prayers.

Much Love,


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