| Line drawing by artist: AURORE DE LA MORINERIE |

Hello darlings, 

I have been getting a lot of questions via snapchat and twitter concerning my latest updates. I wasn't going to address this until I knew for sure what was happening, but I also didn't want to leave you guys out of the loop, as you are a big part of my life. For the last week or so, I have been dealing with severe body aches that have progressively gotten stronger with each passing day. The pain is so tremendous that at times I am unable to get out of bed. We're in the process of conducting blood work and tests and will (hopefully) find out what's happening. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. I will give you an update as soon as I have one. In the meantime, regular scheduled posts will still be going up. 

Thank you for kindness as I navigate through this situation that has totally come out of left field. 

All my love. 


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