Mama Shelter
My sweet little-raccoon-panda-face, also known as Remington Wilds (yes, that's his REAL name), recently introduced me to Mama Shelter. A quaint little restaurant tucked away in Los Angeles. Not only can you find delicious food here, but you can also stay at one of their cute hotel rooms. Oh and they also have a great rooftop bar! God I love my city!! 

In other news, this Friday I'll be sharing an editorial- which I should have shared last Monday, but alas, the rest of the photos weren't ready. I am so excited about this one. When I showed them to my bestie, Lorenzo Lamas - she literally screamed. My deepest hope is that I inspire you to be fearless in everything that sets your soul on fire. With each editorial, I share a little piece of my heart with all of you. I am no supermodel; just a regular woman with passion and pluckiness running through her veins. 

Hugs for a Monday. 


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