Today's style post is very much reflective of my admiration for a certain kind of classic sensibility. I am wearing mostly Zara mixed in with some beloved vintage pieces. I just love how the pop of red in my shoes ties in perfectly with my favorite red lipstick. My love for all things classic has steadily grown through my exploration of classic films. In truth this is my beautiful godparent's doing as they were the ones that immersed me into the world of classic films. For your consideration I have compiled a short guide of some of my favorites classic movies. Which was no easy task as I have so many more films that hold a special place in my heart. I hope you'll consider watching them as they truly are long forgotten gems!
Keep it Classy.

1. Remember the Night / 2. In a Lonely Place / 3. Now, Voyager / 4. Some Like It Hot / 5. The Shop Around the Corner / 6. Sunset Blvd. / 7. Breakfast at Tiffany's / 8. Bringing Up Baby / 9. Dial M for Murder

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