As some of you may remember a few month's back I introduced a Style Blogging Series featuring the superbly gorgeous Michelle Cifuentes-Powers. Well, here is the long awaited continuation of that series. Part Deux of this series focuses on incorporating trends into your personal style while not losing sight of who you are. We took a neon skirt, which happens to be a hot commodity these days, and paired it with a sweet little cocktail ring to reflect Michelle's love for cats. We then added a dangerously amazing pair of Sam Edelman heels to add some and edge and voilà!... You have a delicately balance trend while still keeping a whole lot of you. 
Believe me, it does not get better than that!

Outfit Details
 Neon Skirt: Bar III {similar one here} / Shirt: Zara Basics {similar one here} / 
Bracelet and Necklace: Macy's / Shoes: Sam Edelman / Cocktail Ring: Gifted


  1. Always beautiful!!!love you babies..

  2. She is so purrty!! Love the style series! :)


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