A while ago whilst watching this film: 

A grant idea came to mind. For those of you who might not know, I consider myself a classic film aficionado. I can go on and on about the love and admiration that I hold for these old films, but I'll save that for another day. As I was saying, after watching this film, I felt deeply inspired. I immediately made a trip to Michaels and created a cute little Top Hat. With the help of my beautiful sister, (being related to two beautiful women is tough bananas!) I bring you my latest creative shtick!

 Love & Light. 


Outfit details:
Tuxedo Blazer: H&M
Blouse: Forever 21
Skirt: Armani Exchange
Shoes: Guess 
Necklace: Tiffany & Co.
Earrings: World Market


  1. BEAUTIFUL!! <3

    p.s. i have the bean ^.^

  2. Ahhaha! It's so funny you mentioned that, because I call Leslie, "baby bean!" This of course being in reference to her necklace. :)


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